When there are no power sockets near your bouncy castle, you have a few options to consider:

1 Use Extension Cords: You can use extension cords to extend the reach of your power source to the bouncy castle. Make sure to use heavy-duty extension cords that are suitable for outdoor use and can handle the power requirements of the blower or pump for the bouncy castle. Be mindful of any trip hazards, and ensure the extension cords are in good condition and properly secured.

2 Generator: If you're in a location without access to power sockets, you can use a portable generator. Generators provide a source of electricity, and you can plug the bouncy castle blower or pump into the generator to inflate it. Make sure the generator is placed in a well-ventilated area, and follow safety guidelines for generator usage.

3 Battery-Powered Blower: Some bouncy castles come with battery-powered blowers or pumps. If you have such a bouncy castle, you won't need access to power sockets. Ensure the batteries are fully charged before setting up the bouncy castle, and have spare batteries on hand if needed.

4 Inflate in Advance: If you have access to power before your event, you can inflate the bouncy castle at a location with power sockets and then move it to the desired location. Just make sure it's securely anchored and doesn't deflate during transport.

5 Consider Alternatives: If none of the above options are feasible, you might need to consider alternative entertainment options for your event, especially if you cannot provide power to the bouncy castle.

Always prioritize safety when setting up and using a bouncy castle, and follow the manufacturer's instructions and any local regulations or guidelines for inflatable play equipment. Additionally, consider the weather conditions, as wind and rain can impact the safe use of bouncy castles.